Monday, November 28, 2011

Bored Tuesdays

.Over time, we all have those clay scraps, right? Those itty-bitty pieces of clay which we can't really use in anything 'cause either they're dirty, or too small, or the color's all wrong. What do we do with them? Me being cheap, I put them all in a small box, promising myself I'd find a use for them one day. Well, it's been six months now, and I've got all these chunks of scrap clay which I haven't used.

There are some left over from when I made a failed maki cane, a blue and gold cake my sister stepped on.. some failed cakes.... What exactly do we do with all this?

One idea I got from the Christi Friesen Scuplture book series was making dragons and sea horses. These creatures look pretty with irregular, iridescent colors like this one I made:

I'm making another one right now, so maybe just a few hints and tips.

1. Mix colors that are in the same shade, or ones that look nice with each other.

Warm shades with warm shades, cool shades with cool shades. See?

2. Don't over mix the colors so you get a nice two, or three-toned ball of clay.

3. When in doubt. Embellish. Small crystal beads, pearlized ones, put some eyeshadow on the clay to make it shiny--embellish, embellish, embellish. With good taste, of course, like Griphook here. :3

As my beloved aunt would always say, whatever material you bought and wasted, is still money. We wouldn't want to waste money, would we now?

1 comment:

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