Monday, October 10, 2011

And so the Cheapskate was born...

There's this stereotype round the place where I live in--Chinese people are rich because they're stingy. I'll tell you right now, it's not true. I'm Chinese, and I'm not rich, and I sure as heck am not stingy. However, I did grow up with a mother who was--er, let's just say a little too tight-fisted when it came to cash. At an early age, any request was immediately met with a "that's too expensive!" or a "I can find that in Divisoria for a cheaper price!" So up until my fourth year in highschool, I sincerely did not buy anything expensive. When I got to college--first time I was let out of my parent's sight, I was shocked. The prices of things were so expensive! Take a shirt for example. A shirt is a piece of cloth sewn up with a design slapped on it's front. From the mall, a good shirt can range from 200-1500 pesos. It shocked me, 'cause I knew that whoever made the shirt probably took a 50p per yard piece of cloth from Divisoria, took some thread and needles, and slapped on a design. The shirt shouldn't cost so much.

From then on, my eyes slowly opened to the reality that a lot of things were highly overpriced. It didn't bother me much at first, as I am not a materialistic person. I really don't care about things and whatnot--more often than not, I lose them faster than the time I spent saving for them. But when I started crafting, things got a little more serious.

To make the long story short, I'm putting up this blog to help those who are trying to save get good items for lower costs. DOWN WITH THE EXPENSIVE ASS, OVER PRICED INDUSTRY WHO LINE THEIR POCKETS WITH OUR MONEY WHILE WE TOIL OUR LIVES AWAY!


You guys get the gist. I don't believe that good things should come in wallet-busting prices. I don't believe in spending a whole salary's worth of money for a little luxury or goodness. And so this blog will be full of cheap items, or items that are worth the splurge--and even some free items.



Welcome to the Cheapskate.

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