Tuesday, March 27, 2012

An Art A Day 30-day Challenge: Eye-bombing.

This is something I promised myself I'd do ever since I spied some people online doing it. Easy-peasy--I actually kinda feel like I'm cheating here.

Things I used:
Googly Eyes- 18p a pack.
Glue stick- I'm sure you have one lying around.

I stuck them on random things and took pics, then edited with photoshop. :3 Enjoy!

I still got more, but since it's late, and I'm using the slow laptop and I don't want to edit anymore, these are the only ones I'm putting up. :3 And if these don't count in the 30-day Art Challenge--hehehe, I have something else. I'm such a girl scout. A paper mache blob, some paints, and voila:

I love him. :3 He has such a troll-like face. :3 He doesn't have a name yet, but I call him troll-face. :3 He likes MUG root beer.

Okay, I'm done. Total cost: 20 pesos!

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