Friday, October 28, 2011

Cheapskate Quick Bites: Stippling brush

I know how many tutorials tell us that we can use old toothbrushes as stippling brushes, but in our house, we chuck out everything. And isn't it kind of gross to use something from someone's mouth on your clay which you will touch, bake, and sell? It's like a part of your or someone else is always with them. Gross. Plus, buying a new one to use is just expensive.

And so I found something less gross, and a bit cheaper, and even if you've used this one tool, it's not as gross as a tooth brush.


You can find it in 7-11, or in divisoria, real cheap--nothing more than 50 pesos, and usually, comes in a pack of many other make-up tools. I dunno, if you're obsessive-compulsive like me, you want your things clean, right? I find this a better alternative. Plus, it's smaller than a toothbrush, giving you better control when you use it to stipple your clay. I don't know about you, but I like it better anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Hello I was checkin out reviews about pledge wipe and shine and I came across yer blog thanks for the tips,I'm new to claying. Keep on writin and giving cheap tricks! Thanks!
